How Does The Use of Flashcards Aid College Students In Learning?

Flashcards are teaching aids, designed as cards, which the teacher holds up for the learners or students to see what is written.

College students find this helpful because of the interactive and engaging design, which aids recall, especially during assessments.

In this article, we delve deeper into how the use of flashcards can be an effective teaching tool to boost the students’ learning performance.


What is a Flashcard?

Literally, it is a card that can be flashed or held up for a few minutes. The card contains a limited amount of information, which are held up for the college students to grasp these details and assimilate.

Examples of information in a flashcard are:

  • A little sketch
  • Phrases
  • Numbers
  • Short sentences and;

Professors at college can rely on these as effective study tools, because the coining or abbreviation of such vital pieces of information “forces” the students to recall with ease.


Benefits Of Flashcards For College Students

Students in high school or college will have a higher retention when flashcards are used a study tools, either by the teachers or by themselves.

These are the major benefits:

1. Portability

Studying multiple subjects or courses is already a burden on college students. Using a flashcard can lift some of that burden, thanks to the portability. It can be held on the hand or inserted in a corner of the bag or even placed inside a book.

That way, students get to access use the cards to jot down important points while studying.

2. Flashcards are Affordable

When compared to other study materials, flashcards are affordable, and hence, can be owned by college students.

3. Versatility as an “Added Spice.”

Who wants to be stuck at a point when learning or studying when a versatile approach can be explored? With flashcards, college students can learn and internalize different subjects.

Due to the flexibility and versatility, an average flashcard can be modified and or customized to boost studying of different subjects. It is useful in learning more about calculus or jotting down some phrases in a language-related course.

4. Customization Options

To further boost learning, flashcards can be customized or optimized as per the needs of the individual user or student.

By changing the colors, shapes or sizes, the cards can be fully-prepared for the particular user – and aid learning as well.

5. The Use of Flashcards Boosts Active Learning

College students who may have been passively learning, can now have a shot at active learning through the use of flashcards.

Here’s why:

  • The cards support jotting or noting down important points. That way, the brain is not “stressed” to remember the content of an entire textbook or a page in a notebook.
  • College students can easily customize the cards and or use images or sketches that will boost recall or remembrance.

6. Flashcards Readily Come in Handy for College Students with Learning Disabilities

Disadvantaged college students make the most out of using flashcards. From those suffering auditory impairments and visual disorders – they all tend to find the use of these cards helpful.

For instance, a student with shortsightedness can now have the major points of a lesson noted down in the cards. Likewise, a hearing-impaired student can rely on the sketches and write-ups in the flashcards to understand what a lesson is all about.


Flashcards in the Hands of Educators

The role of flashcards in student’s learning abilities goes both ways. The learners and their teachers always make the most out of it.

On the part of the educators, these are handy teaching tools for reaching a wider spectrum of learners and carrying everyone along during a lesson.

As a teacher or professor, here is how best to maximize the use:

1. Understand the Classroom Setting

Start by understanding the needs of the learners and batch these accordingly. College students with visual or hearing impairments will appreciate the use of flashcards better than those who are not impaired.

2. Repetition is Essential

In active learning classes, repetition is important. Introducing flashcards for a class or two and withdrawing afterwards will only make the learners (especially those who understand better with the aid of these cards) to be “withdrawn.”

Make it systematic – a habit that will be carried on for a long as possible. Here are some suggestions:

  • Use the cards to introduce new and complex subjects or topics.
  • Introduce the use of flashcards throughout the academic calendar year.
  • If possible, interchange it across different study times – during active teaching sessions and for revision classes.

3. Introduce Flashcards for Memorization Purposes

If you aim at helping the learners commit important pieces of information faster to memory; go for a flashcard.

Information, such as equations, dates, historical events, methods/procedures, and basic facts can be itemized on the cards for easy assimilation.

4. Guide College Students Accordingly on the Use of Flashcards

As an educator, you have a better chance at shaping the learners’ maximization of what flashcards have to offer – only if you point them in the right direction.

Do these:

  • Encourage college students to only put or jot down the important pieces of information on the flashcard.
  • Direct them to individualize the use; focusing on the learning styles that work best for them.
  • It wouldn’t be a bad idea to ask questions relating the subject on the cards.


Maximizing the Use of Flashcards: What and What not to do

The use of flashcards is no doubt helpful, especially for college students. To get the best results, the following best practices are advised:

Combine the Elements

Do not limit the content to only texts. Combine texts and pictures or sketches. Using a graph for data and a map for locations or places helps the learners to easily recall what it is all about when presented with an assessment.

Besides, the general idea is that the human brain remembers pictures faster than words because the former has been imprinted on the mind.

Reorder the Cards for the Best Results

The best way to utilize a flashcard is “studying from both sides.” When done studying from one direction, turn over to the other side.

The benefits include:

  • Reordering a flashcard helps to commit the important piece of information to memory.
  • The probability or recalling the concepts and terms is higher with a reorder flashcard.


Vary the Study Tools

It is not wise to entirely rely on the use of flashcards, especially when interacting with college students. Variation they say, is “the spice of life.”

Explore other study materials and or tools, such as:

  • Mnemonics
  • Tests
  • Mind maps and;
  • Quizzes



Conclusion: Flashcard Usage Boosts Retention among College Students

Educators have an increased success at teaching and boosting learners’ retention capabilities when they introduce flashcards as one of the study tools.

The key is not to overuse it, as these cards are known for some downsides, such as the prioritization of memorization over active learning and possibly sidelining the needs of non-audiovisual learners.

Wrapping it up, maximize the use of flashcards by combining with other study methods, such as Pomodoro Study Method and the Feynman Technique.